Trance CD maxi Paul van Dyk – The Green Valley E.P. (MFS)
Progressive Trance CD maxi Andre's Romero Meets Terra-C – Blackout...
Trance CD maxi Koala Feat. DJ Dave – Eternity Is Past (House Nation)
Trance CD maxi Kai Tracid – Your Own Reality (Dance Pool)
Trance CD maxi DJ Mo vs. Marc De Clarq – Eternity (Low Spirit)
Trance CD maxi DJ Wag & M.R. – Life On Mars (Intercord, Club Tunes)
Progressive House - Progressive Trance CD maxi Natural Born Grooves –...
Trance - Euro Dance - Progressive Trance CD maxi Exit Way – Back To The...
Trance CD maxi Tom Novy & Morgenroth – Creator (The Rave &...
Trance - Hard Trance CD maxi En Garde – Enfant Terrible (Goldfinger)
Hard Trance - Acid - Techno CD maxi Tom Wax & Jan Jacarta – Music Is...
Techno - House - Acid CD maxi Winx – How's The Music (ZYX Music)
House - Disco CD maxi Dominica – Gotta Let You Go (Fuel Records)
Hard Trance - Acid CD maxi DJ Crack – Follow Me (In This Analog World)...
Trance - Hard Trance maxi CD DJ Scot Project – X2 (Time Is Now) (Overdose)
House - Tech House - Electro CDs Nature One 2013 - A Time To Shine (Kontor)
House - Trance - Techno CDs Nature One - The Golden Twenty (Kontor)
Nemecká séria Nature One pokračovala aj v roku 2009 s názvom Smile Is The Answer
2x CD House - Trance - Techno Nature One 2003 - Alive & Kickin'
3x Techno - Trance - House CDs Nature One 2015 - Stay As You Are
House - Trance - Techno CDs Nature One 2004 - The Golden 10 (Warner)
Trance - Tech House - Techno CDs compilation Nature One: Das Dreizehnte Land (Toptrax Recordings)
House - Trance - Hard Trance CDs Nature One 2012 - You.Are.Star.
House - Trance - Techno - Hardstyle CDs compilation Nature One - Wake Up In Yellow (Toptrax Recordings)
House - Trance - Techno CDs compilation Nature One 2002 - Summer Sound System (Warner)
House - Trance - Techno CDs compilation Nature One 2005 - Mission To Future (Superstar Recordings)
Trance - House CDs compilation Nature One 2000 - Sound Of Love (EMM)
Techno - Trance CDs compilation Nature One Vol. II - Waterworld (ZYX Music)
Trance - Techno CDs compilation Nature One Vol. III - Open Air 96 (ZYX Music)
House - Trance - Techno CDs compilation Nature One 2001 Super Natural (Warner)
Trance - Techno CD compilation Nature One - The Official WaterWorld 2000 Compilation (H&G Records)
Trance CDs compilation Nature One 2006 - Live Your Passion (Superstar Recordings)