Trance CD maxi Paul van Dyk – The Green Valley E.P. (MFS)
Progressive Trance CD maxi Andre's Romero Meets Terra-C – Blackout...
Trance CD maxi Koala Feat. DJ Dave – Eternity Is Past (House Nation)
Trance CD maxi Kai Tracid – Your Own Reality (Dance Pool)
Trance CD maxi DJ Mo vs. Marc De Clarq – Eternity (Low Spirit)
Trance CD maxi DJ Wag & M.R. – Life On Mars (Intercord, Club Tunes)
Progressive House - Progressive Trance CD maxi Natural Born Grooves –...
Trance - Euro Dance - Progressive Trance CD maxi Exit Way – Back To The...
Trance CD maxi Tom Novy & Morgenroth – Creator (The Rave &...
Trance - Hard Trance CD maxi En Garde – Enfant Terrible (Goldfinger)
Hard Trance - Acid - Techno CD maxi Tom Wax & Jan Jacarta – Music Is...
Techno - House - Acid CD maxi Winx – How's The Music (ZYX Music)
House - Disco CD maxi Dominica – Gotta Let You Go (Fuel Records)
Hard Trance - Acid CD maxi DJ Crack – Follow Me (In This Analog World)...
Trance - Hard Trance maxi CD DJ Scot Project – X2 (Time Is Now) (Overdose)
CD Maxi:
Hardcore / Trance / Techno VHS z festivalu Mystery Land 2001
House - Techno - Electro - Hardstyle CDs compilation Mysteryland 2012 (Be Yourself Music)
Techno - Hardcore VHS Mystery Land - The Video (Arcade)
Trance / Techno CD + DVD Mystery Land 2002 (ID&T)
Trance - Techno - Hardcore Cds Mystery Land - The Winter Edition
House - Trance - Techno - Hardcore CDs Mystery Land - The European Dance Festival 94 (Arcade)
House - Techno - Hardcore CDs Mystery Land - The European Dance Festival 96 (Arcade)
Misprinted verzia cédiel Mystery Land 94 - booklet je zle vytlačený: CD2 namiesto CD1
Hard House & Trance CDs Mystery Land - The European Dance Festival - Club & Trance Edition (Arcade)
House - Trance - Techno CDs compilation Mystery Land - The European Dance Festival - Club (Arcade)
House - Happy Hardcore - Hardcore - Gabber VHS Mystery Land - Live At Airport Eindhoven 1996 (Arcade)
Festivalová séria na troch CD: Mysteryland 1997
Hardcore - Gabber VHS Mystery Land - The Winter Edition (Arcade)
VHS Thunderdome Live - Recorded At Mystery Land The 4th Of July 1998 je záznam z Mysterylandu 98
Thunderdome - Live Recorded At Mystery Land 1998 je pochopiteľne Live z Mysterylandu. Vraj existuje ešte iná verzia tejto kompilácie, tá by mala mať na CDs napísané Test Pressing.. nakoľko je oficiálna?..